
Animator of the Week: Michael Tourette (HoldingOurOwn)

Animator of the Week Mar 16, 2015

This featured brickfilmer post is part of a series of articles  highlighting animators who supported the Bricks in Motion Documentary  project on Kickstarter.

Michael Tourette (HoldingOurOwn)  is an enthusiast of toys and 1980s culture, a LEGO animator, and a  married Catholic and father.  He received his first Lego set in the  1970s, at the age of 3.  He returned to Lego as an adult in 1999 with  the release of Lego's first licensed property: Star Wars: Episode I.   Tourette first became interested in Brickfilming after discovering the  medium in a 2011 issue of BrickJournal.  After reading about it, he  began watching brickfilms online. Of the brickfilms he watched, Chris Allbee's Joe Brickmond was what inspired him most. He praises the series for its deep characterization.

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