
Announcing the Brickfilms Wiki!

Article Feb 23, 2015

After months of preparation, I am pleased to announce the Brickfilms Wiki.  Thanks to the fantastic work of sillypenta and BoatsAreRockable, and  the assistance of rockydude411, dewfilms, Squash, AquaMorph and  Rioforce, we're proud to present a community wiki designed to catalog  notable brickfilms and brickfilmers.

The Brickfilms Wiki is open to all to edit and contribute, but, like all wikis, contributors must follow our Code of Conduct and Formatting Guidelines.  Not every kind of page will be accepted, and the wiki core team  (myself, Penta and Boats) will be keeping an eye on the wiki to make  sure the wiki retains its high standards.

Check out the annoucement thread with more info here!

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