
Brickfilm of the Week: Great Microbiologists

Brickfilm of the Week May 29, 2015

This week’s Brickfilm of the Week is Great Microbiologists by Joshua Leasure.

Great Microbiologists is a comedic educational brickfilm  about the history of microbiology and notable microbiologists. It was  made by Josuha Leasure in 2003 and features features European members of  the community voicing the historic microbiologists in  their native languages. Josuha Leasure, known as RevMen, was the owner  of from 2003 to 2007, and has made several other  brickfilms, including Diplomacy I & II, The Battle of New Orleans, and System Reboot, a co-production with Robinson Wood.

Watch Great Microbiologists on the Brickfilm Archive, and then head over to the spoilery discussion thread to discuss with your fellow brickfilmers!

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