
Brickfilm of the Week: His Master's Plan

Brickfilm of the Week Jan 2, 2015

Welcome to Brickfilm of the Week! This is a new  weekly feature on Bricks in Motion. Every Friday, a brickfilm will be  selected as Brickfilm of the Week to be featured on the main page of  Bricks in Motion. The purpose of Brickfilm of the Week is to celebrate  important, fun, influential, creative and noteworthy brickfilms and to  draw attention to brickfilms that might have been forgotten over the  years.

Since it’s THAC (Twenty-four Hour Animation Contest) season, this week’s Brickfilm of the Week is His Master’s Plan, by Stefan van Zwam, the winner of the very first Twenty-four Animation Contest in 2005.

His Master’s Plan follows the story of a servant, following  the orders of his master, who breaks into a house to steal something  valuable. Like all THAC films, it was made in under 24 hours. Stefan van  Zwam, a Dutch brickfilmer, was a staple member of the  community and was active from 2001 to 2007, producing brickfilms such as  Animation Class: Lesson 1, Daedalus and Icarus, and his Great Inventors pair of films. His Master’s Plan was one of Stefan van Zwam’s last brickfilms.

Watch His Master’s Plan on YouTube, and then head over to the spoilery discussion thread to discuss with your fellow brickfilmers!

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