
Brickfilm of the Week: Mirrored Perspective

Brickfilm of the Week May 22, 2015

This week’s Brickfilm of the Week is Mirrored Perspective by Zach Macias.

Mirrored Perspective follows the story of a man trapped in  dark chamber, with only his reflection to keep him company. It was made  by Zach Macias in 2006 and ultimately was nominated in four categories  in the 2006 Brickfilms Achievement in Motion Pictures Awards,  including Best Film. Zach Macias is a staple of the brickfilms  community, both as a long-time member of and Bricks in  Motion. He currently is running the 2014 Bricks in Motion Awards with  Nathan Wells, and has made many films, including The Profession, Sinner Monologues, Stranger Than Fishin’, and nine films featuring his characters Ben and Andy.

Watch Mirrored Perspective on YouTube, and then head over to the spoilery discussion thread to discuss with your fellow brickfilmers!

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