
Brickfilm of the Week: The Artist

Brickfilm of the Week Mar 27, 2015

This week’s Brickfilm of the Week is The Artist by Mirko Horstmann.

Instead of looking outward toward the wide world, many films turn  inward to examine the process of filmmaking, artistry and creativity. The Artist,  by Mirko Horstmann and released in 2007, is one of those films. This  quiet film follows the struggle of a sculptor attempting to get into an  art gallery, and probably resonates with any creative person who’s had  to deal with trying to get their artwork accepted. The Artist won Best  Film in Steinerei 2007 (a German brickfilm film festival) and first  place in a contest simply known as the TTC Contest (a  contest designed to promote the Theora video codec). Mirko Horstmann was  a well-known German member of, and also made a few other  brickfilms, including Greedy Bricksand The Fisherman and his Wife.

Watch The Artist on YouTube, and then head over to the spoilery discussion thread to discuss with your fellow brickfilmers!

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