
Brickfilm of the Week: The Letter

Brickfilm of the Week Mar 6, 2015

This week’s Brickfilm of the Week is The Letter by James Maduzia.

Comedy is a strange, fickle beast. Everyone has different opinions on  what is funny, and what isn’t funny. Different styles of comedy come  and go, but if you’ve ever sat in a film class or movie theater and  watched the old classic films by Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin,  you’ll realize that good old slapstick will always entertain. The Letter  is the perfect encapsulation of classic slapstick in LEGO form.  Released in 2003, this brickfilm quickly became an instant classic, and  has often been cited in articles about brickfilming. James Maduzia made  one other brickfilm Zero Gravity Rebellion, also a classic, and was interviewed by While he only made two brickfilms, they both made a big impact on the brickfilms community.

Watch The Letter on YouTube, and then head over to the spoilery discussion thread to discuss with your fellow brickfilmers!

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