Brickfilm of the Week: Writer's Block
This week’s Brickfilm of the Week is Writer's Block by Kevin Horowitz and Jacob Schwartz.
Writer’s Block follows the story of a writer who is transported to a surreal world after he gets writer's block. It was made in 2007 by Kevin Horowitz and Jacob Schwartz for their school’s film festival, where it won Best Animated Film. It also was nominated for many Brick Award for the Film Arts awards (a precursor to the Bricks in Motion Awards) and won Best Director. Kevin Horowitz (Quigibo) and Jacob Schwartz (Fractalman) were two members of and also made films such as Flight of the Penguin and People Come In, Pizzas Come Out.
Watch Writer's Block on YouTube, and then head over to the spoilery discussion thread to discuss with your fellow brickfilmers!