
Our First Competition! (TEC)

Article Jul 13, 2008

I am proud to announce that BricksInMotion's first contest is officially underway!

The Bricks In Motion Technical Excellence Competition is an annual event that we will hold to encourage filmmakers to pursue  not only thrilling stories and high quality cinematography, but also  stunning / complex stop motion animation.

Entries are limited to 10-40 seconds long and must be entirely stop motion animated (masking out wires, etc. is okay but, for example, a 3D glass shatter  would not, neither would anything greenscreened). In addition, all  entries must contain no sound and must be only one camera shot. The idea is that you are focusing on the animation, not on anything else.

The rules are strict and the panel of judges (consisting of Buxton,  Dewfilms, and myself) will be even stricter. Every frame counts.

The prize, however, are (I think) worth it:

All entries must be submitted before 12:00 AM PDT on August 13th of this year.

For more specific rules (including some specifications for submissions) please visit the contest's page here. Or, if you would like to discuss the contest further, please visit the forum page here.

Happy animating!


P.S.- Just a hint for the judging, we will be grading on merit, so, for instance, a clip with a minifig jogging  would not score as high as a car driving through a billboard.

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