The Brickfilm Feature: Back 2 Skool
First, I would like to mention that the Spirit of Adventure Contest has ended, receiving 24 entries. Thank you to all who entered! Check out the playlist of entries here.
For this feature, I was trying to think of a theme when I remembered that school would have recently started for a lot of people. This got me thinking that school is actually kind of an uncommon setting for brickfilms (when not including the more YouTube-view-centric and imaginatively titled stuff). I thought this was surprising considering most brickfilms are made by people who are still in school, but also that perhaps it makes sense that school is the last thing they would want to be thinking about. With this is mind, I have chosen a selection of brickfilms centered around school:

His Mind's Account by unfoldingmetal (2005)
Perhaps some of the other picks are too obvious for some, so now here is a film that I believe needs to be rescued from total obscurity. Only one scene of this film takes place in a classroom, but it still counts. His Mind's Account is an abstract brickfilm that incorporates multiple types of animation. I won't try to explain it, as all I can really say for certain is that it definitely held my attention for more than one viewing. It features some nice moody lighting, and a stand-out digital effect that is blended in well (...if that makes sense). I find it impressive that the director made this at age 14, as it is more thought provoking than what most would think to make at that age.
To see the rest of the films featured, visit the forum thread!