The Brickfilm Feature: Eclipse Special
For today, I thought it would be fitting to create a feature to tie in with the solar eclipse. However, there really aren't many brickfilms that deal with eclipses or even blindness, so instead I have mostly selected films about the sun and the moon in some way.

Total Eclipse of the Heart by golego (2009)
I'm sure Americans are sick of hearing this song by now, but this is really the only eclipse-related brickfilm that came to mind. Luckily, it is a good one, as it comes from one of the all-time great brickfilmers, golego. This is a music video for a recording of the song by a Welsh choir, and was commissioned by Decca Music Group to promote the album it is taken from. Unfortunately, golego's own upload of the film was eventually struck down due to copyright detection, despite being authorised. This film makes great use of camera movement and especially lighting, with one of the standout elements being the under-lit stage. By being made with LEGO, it uses the lines about falling apart to comedic effect. Impressively, this film was produced in only two weeks.
To see the rest of the films featured, visit the forum thread!