
2009 BiM Awards Results!

Contests & Events Apr 18, 2010

The 2009 Bricks in Motion Awards results have been announced.  The winners are:

Best Animation
A Clone Halloween - Fancypants
Best Screenplay
Days of Our Pizza - Keshen
Best Cinematography
The River - Night Owl
Best Visual Effects
Picturesque - Nick Durron
Best Set Design
Alles ist die Noppe - nichtgedreht
Best Sound Design
The River - Night Owl
Best Original Score
The River - Night Owl
Best Vocal Performance
Keshen as Febrizzio in Days of Our Pizza
Best Ensemble Cast
It's the Network
Best Series
Nightly News at Nine - Fallentomato
Viewers' Choice
The River - Night Owl
Best Film
Alles ist die Noppe - nichtgedreht

Check out the discussion thread for more information and discussion.  Thank you to NXTManiac for organizing and overseeing the awards!

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