The Genre Games - BiM 2023 summer contest
The Bricks In Motion 2023 Summer Contest, The Genre Games, has started, hosted by Locker 74 Productions.
Following two experimental brickfilm summer contests, Bricks in Motion has decided to go in the other direction this time with a genre-focused contest. Which genre, you may ask? It's up to you!
The contest will run from JULY 22ND to OCTOBER 1ST. This year, we have a pool of prizes courtesy of our contest sponsors: Dragonframe, and the LEGO Ambassador Network.
For this year's contest, we are looking for brickfilms that work within the framework of a chosen genre, whether it be science fiction, adventure, western, noir, or even documentary, etc. You are encouraged to watch films in the genre you choose and consider all the elements that go into working within the genre. For example, if you choose to make an action brickfilm, don't just film a fight scene; consider how action films incorporate characters and plot to make them more engaging, as well as the choices made in how best to film action.
Originality is still encouraged; we aren't asking you to intentionally make the most generic example of a genre as possible. You can bring your own ideas and creativity to a genre, or take a genre and intentionally subvert it. The judges will be considering how well entries work as examples of genres in addition to general quality, meaning those that work very strongly within their genre will pull ahead.
Brickfilms based on existing IPs are permitted, though originality is encouraged. For example, if you want to make a superhero brickfilm, why not think up a character and superpowers of your own creation?
Also check out the full rules and additional info in the thread: